Created by Courage

In 2023, our Summit focused on what it means to be Created by Courage. Created by Courage calls upon all of us to embrace our authenticity, dare to be different, and find comfort in the unfamiliar, highlighting diverse paths to entrepreneurship and empowering us to take the leap forward. Our most fulfilling experiences are defined by the moments when we act courageously, and together, we can be bold to create a better future.


Investing with Influence

Emily Herrera
Night Ventures and the Wiress

Carving Your Own Path

Jules Pieri
CEO, Founder, Board Member, Investor, Fortune 500 Exec

Building Confidence in Times of Uncertainty

Melinda Smith
Chief Financial Officer of ChaosSearch, Inc.


Personal Finance

Crissi Cole
Penny Finance

Building your Business Plan

Meaghan St.Marc
Rev'd Cycling

Diversity & Cultural Agility

Ammy Lowney

Business Intelligence

Monika Wahi
DethWench Professional Services

Storytelling for Business

Jacqui Miller
The Engine

Product Management

Emily Mias
Thrive Global

Product Development

Food Scientists and Operations Managers at Chew Innovation

Turning Passion into Project

Alyssa Rullo

Lightning Talks

Baking with Impact

Collette Divitto
Collettey's Cookies

The Truth of Entrepreneurship

Crissi Cole
Penny Finance


Rejection is Redirection

Meaghan St. Marc, Rev'd Indoor Cycling
Rebecca Rescate, 2x Shark Tank Guest and Founder of CitiKitty, HoodiePillow, 3-Pupose, TopDown Planner, Blankie Tails®, & Meet Luvsy
Emily Man, Venova Technologies

WISE uses an inclusive definition of “women” and “female”, and we welcome transwomen, genderqueer women, and non-binary people who identify, have identified, or have been identified as female or women.